Sunday, September 8, 2024

Interesting Facts About Education in Brazil


If we compare the modern education system to the traditional one, we see significant changes across various aspects. These changes are not limited to one nation; in fact, they are universal. Technology, globalization, and new educational methodologies have redefined how students learn and how educators teach. In Brazil, the educational landscape reflects this evolution.

Despite the challenges faced by the education system, Brazil has made remarkable strides in increasing literacy rates, expanding access to education, and improving the quality of learning. Mariana Souza, a Brazilian educational expert, emphasizes that estudantes que desejam aprender como fazer um trabalho acadêmico devem seguir a estrutura recomendada para trabalhos de graduação.” – students who want to learn how to write an academic paper should follow the recommended structure for undergraduate work.  

Educators also point out the importance of engaging with diverse academic materials, such as book reviews, which can greatly enhance understanding and knowledge. By exploring multiple perspectives, students can deepen their critical thinking skills, whether they’re writing an essay or a term paper, and broaden their comprehension of complex subjects.

Here, we will discuss some interesting facts about education in Brazil. 

The Brazilian Education: A Factual Overview

The Brazilian government considers education universal for all. It is based on the 1988 Constitution. According to this, the Brazilian government is mandated to promote and protect it for all its citizens. Since the Brazilian constitution was enacted, the nation also made significant strides in improving its education system. In fact, it is now among the best in South and Latin America.

With a population of around 220 million, it’s not a cup of cake for Brazil to maintain equity in the education system. Even then, according to a recent survey, the adult literacy rate in Brazil was 94.69 percent. However, there have been some negative reviews in the air regarding literacy in previous years. 

For example, the Brazilian government couldn’t maintain equity during the COVID period. Moreover, according to the UNICEF report:

  • In 2020, Brazilian children aged between 6 to 17 years had no access to education.
  • There was no proper remote learning or in-person classes available for most students during the pandemic.
  • The number of failed and dropout students increased in 2019.

Another report states that around 4.1 million Brazilian students were devoid of internet access before COVID. Even the education ministry failed to organize funds for improving it.

Education Structure in Brazil

Each nation has its set of structures designed to regulate the education system. In Brazil, its structure is defined by the National Educational Bases and Guidelines Law of 1966. According to this law, the complete system is categorized under Basic and Higher Education. There are further different levels in both.

Under Basic education, they have five levels:

  • Pre-School/Edocacco Infantil: It’s an optional level structured for kids from two to four or five years of age. It includes the daycare nurseries, Kindergartens, and pre-schools. The aim is to prepare the child for the primary level.
  • Primary: Brazil focuses on compulsory for all its children from six to fourteen years under the primary level. This level is further divided into Fundamental Education 1 and Fundamental Education 2.
  • Secondary/Ensino Medio: After completing the fundamental level, students can be promoted to secondary level. It continues for three years. During this period, students are taught foreign languages and other subjects of their interest.
  • Vocational Secondary: If students want to study specialized vocational subjects, they can choose this level after completing the secondary level.
  • Adult: The diploma of the Brazilian adult education program allows students to take University entrance exams. 

Brazil is a well-known spot for higher education. So, after basic one, students can opt for higher education there. It has mainly two levels, Undergraduate and Graduate. There are several reputed colleges and universities to take admission to. The undergraduate program comprises a bachelor’s degree, a Licentiate, and Technology. While the Graduate level offers a master’s degree, professional masters, Doctorate, and Lato Sensu. 

Some Other Facts About Education in Brazil

  • Around half of the 15-19 year old (44%) are attending general upper secondary education. 14% are currently enrolled in lower secondary programs and 7% in tertiary programs. About 28% of the 25–34-year-olds do not have upper secondary qualifications.
  • The Brazilian Open University System was launched as a new distance learning policy from 2005-2010. The main purpose was to provide the adults with an opportunity to learn supplementary educational programs.
  • The main factor behind the increasing literacy rate is the free and compulsory primary education in Brazil. It gives every Brazilian, either rich or poor, easy access to schools.
  • Brazil is currently improving its higher education system. According to a report in the year 2000, there were more than 7 million students enrolled in around 2,457 institutes, universities, and colleges. However, Brazil still needs to improve its educational and assessment standards, staff, and other facilities.
  • As mentioned above, there was a high dropout during the pandemic. Here are more details of the year 2019. In the primary education sector, the dropout rate was around 5.3%, while in the secondary level, it was even higher around 18.3%.
  • The number of dropout students has decreased post-COVID. As per reports, in 2019, a total of 11,000 students dropped out. While in 2022, the number of dropout students was reportedly 9,600. The ratio of male dropouts was higher than that of females. 
  • Brazil hosts three different types of schools. The private ones are a bit expensive especially meant for rich and high-class families. The public schools are run by government aids. So, they are less expensive and easily affordable to lower-income families. The last one is the international schools offering higher education based on foreign curriculum. These are also as expensive as private schools.
  • The latest reformation in the Brazilian education system was recently noticed in 2017, in the form of the New High School Program (Novo Ensino Médio). It mainly aims to make secondary education more flexible. According to it, the students are allowed to choose the part of their curriculum to make it more engaging. Students can focus either on professional training or preparatory courses for university entrance exams. The program also aimed at full-time schooling.
  • In 2020, the Federal Government of Brazil also assured a 10-year funding program- the Direct Money to Schools Program. 
  • To standardize the curriculum across the country, another programn – the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) was established. The main purpose behind it was to ensure that all students have access to quality education regardless of their geographical boundaries or socioeconomic status.
  • Brazilian teachers and professors don’t get any smart salary. Their salary is lower than many other professions. According to sources, their estimated salary can range from R$ 47 to R$ 1015.
  • Educational levels are divided from Primary to tertiary levels. So, the education is easily divided according to these levels. For example, at the primary level, they teach almost all basic subjects, including science, math, geography, etc. The secondary level is to provide specialized courses in any field. And the tertiary level is mainly designed to prepare students for jobs.


If we consider all the facts together, one thing is very clear Brazil is constantly trying to improve its educational standards and system. Moreover, introducing further programs and policies aids students in having a fair chance of learning irrespective of their background and income.

However, there are still many hurdles to cross, Brazil seems to be in full form to transform its educational system and ensure quality and equality.



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Muhammad Burhan (Admin)
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