Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Anastasia Kudriavtseva: The Role Of Research In Media Growth And The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Script-Writing Skills.


We are inundated with a constant stream of information in today’s fast-paced world, including news, articles, and videos. In this relentless pursuit of audience engagement, media outlets are compelled to adopt innovative strategies and tools that not only ensure their survival but also enable them to thrive. Conventional methods are no longer as impactful and are being supplanted by new technologies rooted in data and analytics. Research is becoming a pivotal aspect in understanding user behaviour, preferences, and needs. And what about artificial intelligence? Is it prepared to enter the arena of capturing the attention and loyalty of viewers?

We discussed this and other topics with Anastasia Kudriavtseva, a National Business Award Innovation and Tech winner, product manager, product growth consultant, and co-founder of ACTS, a platform for automated feedback on scripts. Ms. Kudriavtseva began her career as a researcher and subsequently built a successful career in product management before launching her own project.

In product management, the research component is of paramount importance, as it determines the success of the entire product. Therefore, a product manager’s experience in research is invaluable. Anastasia, you have demonstrated this experience by becoming a member of the expert council of the National Business Award Innovation and Tech 2024. This annual national competition recognizes outstanding figures in the field of information technology. Please describe your professional trajectory and how you came to specialize in media research.

While I was still in university, I recognized that I was drawn to the prospect of finding answers to the “How?” and “Why?” questions by delving into data and uncovering hidden patterns. Upon becoming the inaugural researcher in the company, I promptly commenced work in product analytics, striving to comprehend how our research outcomes could offer tangible value to the business. Subsequently, while employed as a product manager, I discovered that numerous media companies grappled with the challenge of inadequate analytics. They frequently relied on intuitive approaches, based on experience and hunches, rather than on concrete data. This prompted me to develop a product designed to assist media companies in making more informed and effective decisions.

Could you please describe the approach you take to help companies reach their audience? What challenges do you face as a product manager?

From my experience of working on a variety of projects, I have become increasingly convinced that a deep understanding of the target audience, including their needs, behaviour and motivations, is the key to the success of media products. Ultimately, our content is created for an audience, not for ourselves. It is therefore crucial to understand their professions, interests, and challenges. Research enables us to empathize with our users, understand their perspectives, and develop products that will genuinely meet their needs and be useful to them.

To identify a suitable solution and a key area for growth, it is essential to possess a specific set of skills. These go beyond the ability to synthesize conclusions and analyze results. They also include an understanding of the business’s needs, enabling the formulation of practical recommendations based on the audience profile.

In addition, a product manager is responsible for promoting the product and studying its main advantages. This requires a deep understanding of the market, which can be achieved through regular research updates. 

You have considerable experience in media research, including the development of your own approach. What distinguishes your method? Please describe how you have applied it in practice.

In fact, over the course of my career in media, I have developed a unique approach to research, which I refer to as “deep diving” into the world of the audience. This method goes beyond standard techniques, employing complex analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the audience. It is not merely a matter of collecting statistics and dry facts; rather, it is about delving deeper to grasp the audience’s underlying motives and aspirations. This entails understanding their lived experiences, dreams, and concerns.

To achieve this, I utilize a range of tools, including in-depth interviews, observations, big data analysis and split (AB) testing. This versatility enables me to create a comprehensive audience profile and develop highly effective solutions.

For instance, when I worked on a project for the Kunstkamera Museum, we sought to engage younger demographics. Standard surveys indicated that young people found the museum uninteresting and irrelevant. However, through in-depth interviews, we identified a key issue: young people did not perceive the museum as relevant to their interests and lacked a sense of engagement. We proposed the creation of interactive exhibitions, the establishment of accounts on popular social networks, and the organization of themed lectures. These strategies proved effective in attracting younger audiences.

Another example is a project for JetBrains, which faced the problem of gender inequality in the IT sphere. Our analysis of the experience of teenage girls revealed that many of them encounter stereotypes at school, lack adequate support, and begin to doubt their abilities. Based on this data, we proposed to JetBrains the launch of an educational program aimed at supporting girls with a passion for exact sciences.

My research approach enables me to identify not only problems but also hidden opportunities and to develop non-standard solutions that are highly effective.

You have developed a unique platform for automated feedback on ACTS scenarios, which has already attracted the interest of numerous industry professionals. Please provide further details about this project. What tasks does the platform address?

ACTS is the inaugural platform of its kind that leverages artificial intelligence to analyze scripts. Its primary objective is to assist screenwriters in crafting superior and more captivating narratives. ACTS assesses the structural elements of a screenplay, pinpointing pivotal plot points, conflicts, and character arcs. The platform caters to a diverse range of users, from novice screenwriters acquiring writing skills to seasoned professionals and producers seeking innovative tools to enhance their projects. 

One of the primary challenges screenwriters face is the difficulty of obtaining constructive feedback on their work. ACTS addresses this issue by providing objective and unbiased script analysis based on machine learning algorithms, rather than the subjective opinions of individuals.

Our objective is to provide a tool that enables authors to view their papers from a new perspective, identify potential issues, and develop solutions. For instance, ACTS can assess the dynamic development of the plot, the presence of unjustified delays, the vividness of character descriptions and the emotional impact on viewers.

We believe your product has great potential. However, some people believe that artificial intelligence will soon replace many professions, including creative ones. Do you think there is any reason for screenwriters to fear competition from neural networks? Will ACTS replace human beings?

I believe that artificial intelligence can be a valuable tool for screenwriters, helping them work more efficiently. However, it is unlikely to replace them entirely. A good script is not just a set of words and sentences; it is a living, breathing piece of work that evokes emotions, explores conflicts, and creates engaging characters. Currently, machines are not yet able to match the subtleties and nuances of human creativity in this field.

ACTS is designed to assist screenwriters, not replace them. We respect the creative process and do not seek to deprive skilled employees of their well-deserved jobs. ACTS provides feedback and suggestions on how to improve the script, but leaves the creative choice of implementing solutions up to the writer. Our role is to help them improve their work by providing an objective and unbiased analysis from a dramaturgical perspective.

Anastasia, what advice would you offer to those just starting out in this profession?

First and foremost, it is essential to gain a deep understanding of your target audience. Any action, initiative, or product should be evaluated based on its impact on the user and its ability to address business needs. Clearly, this is how he becomes an increasingly valuable employee of media companies, bringing a specific ideology to the table. He justifies the launch of a product in the media environment and determines how it will help the business grow. Consequently, without a product manager, one of the most important areas of financial revenue — product research — and a systematic and competent approach to product management will not exist in the company.

It is notable that there is no standardized job description for a product manager. The specific responsibilities and tasks assigned to this role vary considerably from one company to another, and even from one project to the next. This dynamic nature of the role makes the product manager a highly versatile and skilled professional, as they are constantly required to consider the user experience, market trends, and business objectives. Additionally, product managers are responsible for aligning the ambitions of startup or business owners with the needs of the market. Product managers are strategists, responsible for researching, planning, developing, and launching products or services. In essence, they act as the bridge between design, development, and business.

 There are no universal solutions in product management. What proved effective in one instance may prove ineffective in another. Therefore, it is essential to embrace experimentation and innovation. Test hypotheses, analyze results, and adjust strategies to ensure optimal performance.

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Muhammad Burhan (Admin)
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